2590 xsiro010

メイドゥン・カースル Maiden Castle(Dorchester/ENG)

防御集落(後期青銅器時代丘砦) 平城 防御集落(ヒルフォート) -5世紀
 Maiden Castle is the largest Iron Age hill fort in Europe and covers an area of 47 acres. 'Maiden' derives from the Celtic 'Mai Dun' which means 'great hill'. It is situated just 2 miles south of Dorchester in Dorset. It is truly an amazing place: even a
  The present hill fort as we see it today, was started during the Iron Age around 450-300 BC when the area of the fort was extended and the ramparts and ditches were enlarged. Three ditches were dug, the earth removed being used to build the ramparts. A wooden fence would have been built along the ramparts with wooden gates at the entrances. The entrances were not aligned therefore making it more difficult for opposing forces to gain entry.